How to build a brand experience.

Brand experience is one of the foundations of a powerful brand. We ask hem: how do you want your customer to feel when they buy a product, see your logo or use your website? How do you want your customer to experience your brand? Here are a few tips to help you craft a brand experience for your audience.

Think Beyond the Logo

First of all, your brand is so much more than just your logo. This can be confusing because a logo is a big and recognizable part of the brand. But imagine walking into apple and instead of seeing sleek, architetural interiors, it’s a dingy shed and service members have ditched their blue shirts for casual wear. Intead of a clean, minimalist website, you’re looking at a hot mess of colour and strange fonts. All of these components make up the visual identity of the brand, not just the logo.

Consistency is key

Using your brand consistently builds brand c=recognition and adds to the brand experience because clietns know what to expect. This mean sticking to your colour palette, font suite and elements designed for your brand.

Deliver a mood & a personality

Your cusotmer should be able to describe your brand as if it were a person. What are her values? How does she express herself? do the brand visuals reflect and stay true to these qualities?

Tell a story

Use your brand to tell a story about the business, whethr that’s through the visuals or the copy. Stories can be fun, captivating and memorable wand help you connect emotionally with your audience.

Make your cusotmer feel something

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and see your brand with fresh eyes. will they feel delighted, surprised and enamoured when they see your brnad? Or perhaps they will feel soothed and calmed. How do you want them to feel when they interact with your brand?

Think beyond the visuals

a robust brand experience extends beyond just hte visuals. Think aobut your tone of voiee when your brand “speaks” to your cusomter. And wht about your service is special to your brand? Perhaps you ave a unique gfiting program that make your regulars feel awesome. O rmaybe an onboarding process that flips the script on what everyone else in your indsutry is doing.


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